Explore a curated collection of resources related to disaster preparedness

Related organizations & websites:

American Red Cross, NW Region 

City of Seattle Office of Emergency Management 

FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) – Washington State 

King County Emergency Management 

King County Search and Rescue 

MRSC – Flood Hazard Management Planning for Local Governments The Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC) is a nonprofit organization that helps local governments across Washington State better serve their communities by providing legal and policy guidance on any topic. 

NW Climate Change Conference 

Pacific Disaster Center 

Seattle Emergency Hub Network 

Snohomish County Department of Emergency Management 

USGS -(United States Geological Service) – Cascade Volcano Observatory  

WA State Department of Ecology 

Responding to Climate Change 


Disaster and emergency preparedness resources: 

Disaster/hazard maps in our region: 

Overall planning and preparedness: 

Volcanic Eruptions:


Reducing Flood Risks in Our Communities (WA DOE) 

Emergency/Survival Kits:

Community Response Efforts (Post-Disaster) – Emergency Communication Hub system:


Selected articles related to emergency/disaster preparedness: