Selected Local Organizations

Organizations we heard from today (in this order) 

  • Alliance for Education – The Alliance for Education supports excellence in education by advancing educational justice and racial equity for students in Seattle Public Schools. 

Other local education-related organizations and resources:


Volunteer and Civic Engagement Opportunities

Our region’s civic health depends on each one of us to get involved in civic life. Here are some ways you can support housing and homeless services and initiatives:  


Articles and News sources


Civic Engagement Opportunities 

Our region’s civic health depends on each one of us to get involved in civic life. Here are six ways you can support homeless services and initiatives: 


  • Give directly to the speakers’ non-profits or other organizations that support youth education and development. 
  • Donate your time to the local school PTA. 
  • Donate books and resource materials to a teacher in need. 


  • Provide job training and cover educational costs for higher education for employees. 
  • Offer paid internships to community college students. 
  • Host a fundraising campaign to benefit local schools/students 
  • Create a scholarship fund for adult students and non-traditional students. 


  • Contact your legislators to support equitable education. Use the League of Women Voters “Find Your Elected Officials” 
  • Change hiring expectations-reduce the work week to support parents and students. 
  • Advocate for higher teacher and staff salaries.


  • Follow the latest news on education in the area. See Seattle Times – Education lab 
  • Stay up to date by subscribing to our newsletter! 


  • Volunteer to mentor a student 
  • Volunteer with the speakers’ organizations and/or see opportunities at Seattle Public Schools : United Way of King County : YWCA 
  • Join a PTA, local school board or nonprofit board to address educational-related issues. 
  • Check social media and Meetup Seattle to find organizations and groups that support youth education and empowerment