Seattle CityClub is pleased to announce that we are adding a new cohort of 9 members to our Board of Governors. We’d like to introduce 3 more of them to you.

Marina Negroponte recently joined the We Are All Human Foundation, with a focus to unify and elevate the Hispanic community’s voice in the US – starting with Hispanic corporate leadership. Marina spent 10+ years of her early career in International development serving the United Nations, across 4 continents. She repatriated to the US in 2016 and spent 2 years at Paul G. Allen Philanthropies in Seattle, launching wildlife and habitat conservation management solutions into the software economy. She is fluent in English and Spanish; proficient in Italian, and recovering from ACL surgery and excited to get back to hiking and playing tennis this summer.
“ I am excited to join the Board because as a newcomer to the city, you gain an appreciation for something when you are familiar with it. Seattle CityClub helped me familiarize myself with Seattle. As an appreciative Seattle citizen, I am excited to use the platform to help familiarize other newcomers to industry and community leaders that are championing and strengthening civic engagement.”

Paul Joseph Brown moved to Seattle in 1988 to be a staff photographer at the late lamented Seattle P-I. He’s worked on assignment in more than 40 countries, has covered wars, revolutions, and social issues, and won many of the highest awards for photojournalism. He founded in 2009 and travels regularly throughout Africa and Asia documenting achievements and challenges in the global health sector.
“After a long career in journalism I’m very much enjoying the freedom to fully engage with civic affairs. I’ve always been interested in cities and politics and how to create healthy communities, and I’m thrilled to be working with CityClub to build the best possible future for our home.”

Laura Lockard has held a variety of leadership positions in the public sector. She currently serves as the Director of Communications and Public Affairs for the Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine. Her wide range of public affairs experience includes working internationally on democracy development for the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs and volunteering for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.
“In an era of increased stresses on the fabric of democracy, I am honored to join Seattle CityClub to support their proven conviction to transparency, non-partisan dialogue, and community building in order to increase knowledge and encourage public engagement in the democratic process.”
We’re so excited to welcome all of our new board members and we look forward to seeing what we can accomplish together.