Seattle CityClub is pleased to announce that we are adding a new cohort of 9 members to our Board of Governors. Over the next 3 weeks, we’d like to introduce them to you.

Drew Steen is a partner in the Business & Tax Department at the law firm of Davis Wright Tremaine LLP. Although not a native, Drew has lived in Seattle for most of the past twelve years. In that time, he has engaged in various forms of civic organizations, including bar associations, trade organizations and the Leadership Tomorrow program.
“I am drawn to CityClub and its mission because of the renewed need for constructive civic discussion. The issues we face as a city, region, nation and planet are more complex and nuanced than ever. Yet our collective discourse seems to rely predominantly on generalizations, oversimplifications and false absolutes. To have any hope of finding solutions, we need – especially at the community level – to acknowledge the complexity of the issues around us. As I see it, CityClub does two amazing things. First, it provides invaluable informational resources to members of our community. Second, it encourages discussion and debate that is informed, inclusive and constructive. To me, this is exciting work.”

Joaquin Uy is the External Affairs Manager and Policy Advisor for the City of Seattle Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs. Joaquin works across City departments to help staff integrate effective immigrant- and refugee-focused strategies into communications, outreach, and engagement workplans. His position in the City also includes advocating for immigrant communities regarding policy decisions and long-term planning.
“I am excited to join Seattle CityClub’s board because I believe that in this political moment, we so desperately need organizations like CityClub to promote dialogue and uplift stories that illustrate the diversity of values in the Pacific Northwest.”

Maura Little serves as the Executive Director of Cambia Grove, which builds on her previous leadership roles in advancing the conversation on health care towards constructive change. Previously, Maura served as Washington State Director of Life Science and Global Health Development.
“I’m excited to join the Board of Directors to advance community involvement in decisions that impact our region’s quality of life. CityClub offers a needed platform to bring diverse perspectives together and I hope to see an even greater level of community participation in 2019 and beyond.”
We’re so excited to welcome all of our new board members and we look forward to seeing what we can accomplish together.