The ugliness of this election shook me to my core. And while I feel an urgent call to action, to volunteer, to show up and advocate more, I know that the aftermath of this election also demands something else. It demands that I reckon seriously and humbly with how much…...
Exploring the Seattle Waterfront
Seattle CityClub intern Sarah Bollard gives you a preview of the people and places on our upcoming Waterfront Civic Boot Camp. Register today to attend Civic Boot Camp: Waterfront Redevelopment on August 12 or 26. The Seattle Waterfront has always been a popular destination for tourists and Seattleites alike. Even…...
Citizen Story Project: Joaquin Uy
Joaquin Uy, from Seattle’s Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs recounts he and his parents’ immigration from Manila, Philippines to Cleveland in the early 1980s. Who was the first (or one of the first) family members to become a U.S. citizen? My father Joaquin “Jack” Chiong Uy [from] Manila, Philippines.…...
Why Knowing Your Neighbors Matters
A connected community is a safer community; a more welcoming community; a community that’s better equipped to solve tough challenges. Studies have shown the potential for community violence increases when citizens feel powerless or disconnected. But crime rates are lower in communities with a strong civic life, as civically healthy…...
Citizen Story Project: Rich Stolz
Rich Stolz, executive director of OneAmerica, describes his family’s immigration from Germany and South Korea. Who was the first (or one of the first) family members to become a U.S. citizen? My father’s father. Where did they immigrate from? Germany. What did they do to earn a living once they arrived…...
Citizen Story Project: Lisa Herbold
Seattle City Councilmember Lisa Herbold shares the story of her great-great grandfather’s immigration from Germany at the turn of the 20th century. Who was the first (or one of the first) family members to become a U.S. citizen? Rudolph Maly, my great-grandfather (my paternal grandmother’s father). Where did he immigrate…...
Citizen Story Project: Lorena González
Seattley City Councilmember Lorena González shares the story of her parents immigration from Michoacán, Mexico in the early 1960s. Who was the first (or one of the first) family members to become a U.S. citizen? My 5 siblings and I are first-generation born Americans. My mother, Elvira González, was the first…...
Across the Aisle: Rep. Michelle Caldier & Rep. Lillian Ortiz-Self
When you are building bipartisanship relationships, the main thing you have to bring to the table is respect, according to Rep. Lillian Ortiz-Self (D-21st District). “Even when views are different and values are different, you have to respect that at the core my colleagues are passionate about helping community,” says…...
Citizen Story Project: Diane Douglas
Seattle CityClub’s Executive Director, Diane Douglas, shares the story of her grandparents’ immigration from Russia and Lithuania. Who was the first (or one of the first) family members to become a U.S. citizen? All my grandparents were immigrants. They came to this country about 130 years ago from Russia and…...