
Get to Know the Top Seattle Mayoral Candidates

Seattle voters, get to know the Seattle mayoral candidates participating in our July 17th Seattle Mayoral Debate, presented in partnership with KING 5, KUOW and GeekWire....

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Attention Civic Superstars!

by Brianna Brown, Database + Officer Coordinator  You are somebody who cares about what is going on in your community, participates in community groups and holds your representatives accountable. Take a moment to pat yourself on the back, you are contributing to the overall civic health of Seattle! According to…...

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Tips for Asking Your Boss to Support Your Cause

By Laura Orella, Development + Membership Coordinator Fundraising is incredibly intimidating for most people. This is not an unreasonable feeling; we get uncomfortable talking about money, let alone asking our boss for it. However, it is really not as nerve-racking as we build it up to be. Plus, you are…...

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Seattle CityClub Policy on Candidate Debates

Date adopted: July 28, 1998 Reviewed by Board of Directors: April 2017 The goal of CityClub in presenting candidate debates is to enable voters and constituent groups to make better informed choices on election day by convening in-depth discussions of our most challenging issues. In furtherance of this goal, CityClub…...

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Guest Blog: CAI Helps Seattle CityClub Transform Civic Engagement Data

by Community Attributes Inc. Community Attributes Inc. is proud to have supported Seattle CityClub in developing and launching its Greater Seattle Civic Health Index website. CAI and Seattle CityClub share passions in civic engagement and a common understanding of how data-rich stories about communities can drive change. Our team of…...

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Guest Blog: 4 Reasons to Use Your Democracy Vouchers

from Jenna Smith, Senior PR Specialist at City of Seattle’s Ethics and Elections Commission So you say you received your Democracy Vouchers in the mail, but they’re sitting unused in a pile of mail or hanging from your fridge? Here are four reasons to find, dust off, and use your Democracy…...

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Guest Blog: Why WTIA Loves CityClub

Guest Blog from WTIA Washington Technology Industry Association (WTIA) and Seattle CityClub are joining forces on May 22 to host FullConTech, bringing people together from across the public and private sectors for a morning focused on Civic Collaboration. CityClub, founded in 1980, is a non-partisan civic organization that “fosters civic…...

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A Day at Civic Boot Camp: Livable Neighborhoods With Kayla DeMonte

By Kayla DeMonte of Seattle Chamber South Lake Union, I owe you an apology. I thought I knew who you were as a neighborhood, but I had much to learn. As a participant in the most recent Seattle CityClub Civic Boot Camp program, I, along with a group of about…...

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Press Release: Civic Health Index Finds Seattle Leads the Way in Civic Engagement

Seattle, WA, May 9, 2017 – The 2017 Greater Seattle Civic Health Index is scheduled for public release May 23 by Seattle CityClub. In collaboration with the National Conference on Citizenship (NCoC), the 2017 report ranks 51 American cities across 26 categories measuring civic engagement and the health of their…...

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