Ready for the 2021 Washington State legislative session? The session and the action begins January 11 in Olympia, but access to the next slate of some of our state’s most important decision-makers will happen the Friday before at a panel discussion with all four legislative leaders from both sides of…...
Guest Blog: Why WTIA Loves CityClub
Guest Blog from WTIA Washington Technology Industry Association (WTIA) and Seattle CityClub are joining forces on May 22 to host FullConTech, bringing people together from across the public and private sectors for a morning focused on Civic Collaboration. CityClub, founded in 1980, is a non-partisan civic organization that “fosters civic…...
WTIA and Seattle CityClub Collaborate on FullConTech
by Julie Pham We’re making some big changes to our approach to FullConTech this year. Instead of an annual, 350-person, all-day conference, FullConTech will be split into two semi-annual, half-day, 200-person conferences. Each will have a different theme inspired by action-oriented, cross-sector collaboration. We hear a lot of criticism from…...