
Seattle CityClub Policy on Candidate Debates

Date adopted: July 28, 1998 Reviewed by Board of Directors: April 2017 The goal of CityClub in presenting candidate debates is to enable voters and constituent groups to make better informed choices on election day by convening in-depth discussions of our most challenging issues. In furtherance of this goal, CityClub…...

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Guest Blog: 4 Reasons to Use Your Democracy Vouchers

from Jenna Smith, Senior PR Specialist at City of Seattle’s Ethics and Elections Commission So you say you received your Democracy Vouchers in the mail, but they’re sitting unused in a pile of mail or hanging from your fridge? Here are four reasons to find, dust off, and use your Democracy…...

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This Demands Something Else

The ugliness of this election shook me to my core. And while I feel an urgent call to action, to volunteer, to show up and advocate more, I know that the aftermath of this election also demands something else. It demands that I reckon seriously and humbly with how much…...

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Across the Aisle: Rep. Michelle Caldier & Rep. Lillian Ortiz-Self

When you are building bipartisanship relationships, the main thing you have to bring to the table is respect, according to Rep. Lillian Ortiz-Self (D-21st District). “Even when views are different and values are different, you have to respect that at the core my colleagues are passionate about helping community,” says…...

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